Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Little Flowers

Back in May while knitting the poppies.  I wondered what they may look like in different colour's!
So the next day I decided to have a day off from poppy making,  to experiment with 
different colours - also bright ones too!

Here are some of the colours!

I have been thinking about ways to use them, apart from the brooch like way! I firstly thought of putting one on a Alice band and another one or three on a bag. 
Maybe even a charm or Keyring! 

I have not yet had chance to experiment on my ideas.   Due to work and family stuff!
So some think for me work on in the next few weeks! 

Monday, 26 November 2012

The Humble Poppy (Part 2)

I thought I would up-date you all on how we got on with the poppies!

The poppies went on sell at the end of October and within a few days they were sold out. My mum and I (plus some others) were busy knitting to try and keep up with the demands...

Over £1000 was raised and the money went to the poppy appeal..  So the race is on for next year to make enough and yep you guess it,  I've started already!

I will also keep you all posted how we do this year coming!!!